Hello and welcome. Every once in a while, I like to share some personal things that I hope might inspire you in your own experiences.
With Christmas just around the corner, as we all know, this can be a time of mixed emotion, celebrating on one hand the new additions to the greater family tree and missing those that have passed or moved far away. Whatever your circumstances – we certainly feel it the most during times of family gatherings.
My very recent trip to Melbourne encompassed such a mix, catching up and seeing many family members, welcoming the newbies to the group and reminiscing about those that are no longer with us. Additionally, grieving those that are slowly diminishing through changes such as Dementia and serious illnesses. It can be a difficult and sad time sometimes if we dwell to much in it.
However, my trip was purposeful and engaging, having positive impacts on each of us, simply by connecting and making our time together important. Staying really present in the gift of the time we did have. Not wasting anything on frivolous endeavor’s, but by taking a true interest in their life, wellbeing, choices and living conditions. Acknowledging the suffering, but also the gift of life that they have. The love that is shared. The meaning and impact that they have on your life.
Most importantly, speaking my truth on how I felt about them, sharing that love and joy of knowing them. Reminding them that they mean something to me (and I to them). Because let’s face it, there is no guarantee that we will have more time… nothing is permanent, and every life has a time stamp… so make the most of it… live without regret… choose to empower the relationships you have by engaging in deeper conversations and meaningful actions.
So, for me, especially reminded at this time of year… put the love you have for those you care about on steroids and share your heart felt message to them. I love you, you matter, I care. Because tomorrow anything can happen. Live for the now. Live without regret. Live from the heart. Live out loud.
Thank you. Have a safe and happy Christmas season and may you too find the love and peace with your loved ones, and be blessed in this.